{"pagination":"","result":[{"id_berita":"2","judul_berita":"Women & Diabetes Symposium ","foto_berita":"46087-2-women-diabetes.jpg","isi_berita":"
\r\n\tPERSADIA (Indonesian Diabetes Association) together with DIID (Indonesian Diabetes Initiative) held a Women & Diabetes Symposium entitled #DiabetesLadiesTalk which took place in 3 big cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Denpasar (Bali) and Manado (North Sulawesi) throughout this year.<\/div>\r\n
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\r\n\tWomen & Diabetes Symposium aiming to prevent, educate and empower women with diabetes because the organization firmly believe the important role of women in the society.<\/div>\r\n
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\r\n\tThe event was filled with various topics regarding menstruation, sexual dysfunction, fertility and pregnancy related with diabetes, presented by Prof Sidartawan, endocrinologist Dr Leny Puspitasari, endocrinologist Dr Made Ratna Saraswati and endocrinologist Dr Yuanita Asri Langi, attended by 60 up to 80 participants in each city.<\/div>\r\n
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\r\n\t“Diabetes in women doesn't receive enough attention”, said Prof Sidartawan as an opening remarks of the Women & Diabetes Symposium, continued with explanation what makes women with diabetes special. (aps)<\/div>\r\n
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\r\n\t <\/div>\r\n","waktu_berita":"2023-11-25 06:00:22"},{"id_berita":"1","judul_berita":"World Diabetes Day 2023","foto_berita":"9ae66-1-wdd-jkt.jpg","isi_berita":"
\r\n\tIn commemoration of World Diabetes Day, PERSADIA (Indonesian Diabetes Association) and DIID (Diabetes Initiative Indonesia) held an event at Car Free Day, Sudirman Thamrin - Jakarta on Sunday, November 12 2023.<\/div>\r\n
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\r\n\tFilled with various events, starting from free blood sugar checks for all participants, diabetes education on the topic 'Various Causes of Diabetes' by Dr. Roy P Sibarani, Sp-PD-KEMD, the implementation of the Dia-Move Dance which was attended by more than 100 participants and sessions question and answer guided by Dr Burhan Gunawan and Dr William Djauhari<\/div>\r\n
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\r\n\tThe event was hosted by two PWD, Anita (type 1 PWD) and Sadrak (type 2 PWD), who also shared their lived experiences regarding their daily diabetes management.<\/div>\r\n
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